COVID Resources and Safety » Current Operational Phase

Current Operational Phase

Invictus High School is Currently Fully Operational and Offering In-Person Instruction:
  • Faculty, staff, and students report on-campus during normal hours of operations in accordance with our school calendar, located here.
  • Access to the building requires a self health-assessment for self-screening, a temperature below 99.5, and no exposure to anyone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
  • Cases of COVID-19 symptoms and/or exposure to COVID-19 must be reported to the school's COVID-19 Coordinator via the COVID-19 Reporting Form.
  • Masks are mandatory, and social distancing practices are highly encouraged (6 feet of distance between anyone in shared spaces - decals will be provided on the floor measuring 6 feet in high traffic areas).
  • Work stations are separated by clear barriers for distance and reduced capacity.
  • Breakfast and Lunch programs have resumed and food will be permitted in designated areas with respect to social distancing guidelines.