
Updated Information - Building Closures, Graduation and other Events

As you may be aware, on Monday, Governor DeWine announced that K-12 school buildings will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year.  In light of this announcement, the Invictus High School System will continue to offer education to our students only through our online/distance learning model through our last day of instruction for the 2019/2020 academic year—26 June, 2020.

As a result of the school buildings closure, this message comes to formally notify you all of the official cancellation of all in-person events for the remainder of the school year.  This includes the cancellation of prom and the June 2020 commencement ceremony. I understand that the cancellation of these events is disappointing, and I asked the Prom and Graduation Committee to review and recommend alternative ways that we can honor spring graduates.  We will provide an update once additional information is available.  

As a special message to our potential spring graduates, now is not the time to lose energy on your high school journey.  The state requirements for graduation have changed, but you still have the opportunity to complete your academic requirements and graduate this spring.  More information is forthcoming, but please contact your homeroom teacher or campus director if you have questions about your eligibility and/or the graduation requirements.

I encourage all students to continue their studies. Now, more than ever, a quality education will increase your likelihood of gaining stable employment and reduce the risk of losing your income during difficult economic times.  Although in-person instruction is on hiatus, Invictus High School continues to offer a high-quality education and wraparound support remotely.  Students may continue to complete their schoolwork via our computer-based learning platform; teachers are available via telecommuting and online learning sessions; and students with questions may reach out for assistance via our online platform, telephone, or email (click here for a full staff directory of the downtown campus, east campus, or west campus). Phone calls to the school continue to be managed by a small team who stand ready to answer questions and/or make appropriate connections.

Should you have any questions regarding this decision, your responsibilities, or if your contact information has changed as a result of the many difficulties faced during the pandemic, please reach out to your building Director for assistance.